
The Metropolitan Risk Managers Group was formed in August 2016 by a small committee with representation from City of Adelaide,  City of Holdfast Bay and the City of Prospect. The Committee's prime function is to discuss and choose topics of interest for upcoming group meetings. LGRS will support the committee and Risk Managers Group via the administration and provision of resources; this will include legal representation and keynote speakers on topical subjects raised by Councils.

The Group is an opportunity to "voice" the evolving issues that challenge professionals in a Council environment and to integrate solutions within established risk based structures. We use the term "risk" in its broadest sense as the meetings aim to provide a great opportunity to value add and share experiences, strengths, projects etc. The Group's intention is more than just a forum to discuss compliance based issues, it will offer a networking opportunity that is flexible to grow and have varied solution capabilities. Ultimately, the Group will be a dynamic flagship to nurture friendships and share important ideas that will influence our community based landscapes.

Committee Members

Scheme Support Roles



The meeting agendas and notes can be accessed here.
